Bremer Press - Chansons d'amour. [Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von Josef Hofmiller.]

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Chansons d'amour. [Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von Josef Hofmiller.] Royal 8vo, 110p, 27cm, Tölz: Bremer Presse, 1921.

French text set in 16 point Antiqua, number 146 of 270 copies printed on Zanders hand-made paper. Title and 78 initials drawn by Anna Simons. Bound in full stiff vellum over thongs, yapp edges, ruled and titled in gilt, gold top, initials of the bnder Frieda Thiersch and stamp of the Bremer Binderei on the rear pastedown. Slight spotting to endpapers, but a very pleasing copy.

The last book printed at Tölz by this press of great renown. The colophon gives the imprint as München, 1922. (Post & Adolph 8)

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