Sönmez (Nedim) & Yvonne Jäckle-Sönmez - Türkisch Papier | Ebru | Turkish Marbled Paper.

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£25.00 / unit(s)
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Türkisch Papier | Ebru | Turkish Marbled Paper. Katalog mit 38 farbigen Reproduktionen marmorierter Bilder, 9 Schwarzweiss-Fotos zur Herstellungstechnik und einer Original "Türkisch Papier". Small 4to, 107pp, Jäckle-Sönmez Verlag, Tubingen, 1987.

Text in German, Turkish and English, profusely illustrated with reproductions of marbled papers and with a single original sample. Semi-stiff decorative covers, titled in black. A fine copy.


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