Typography & Design

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151 - 180 of 564 results

Typorum Conspectus MCMLVII:Specimen of Types assembled by John Dreyfus for his Paper on Trends in Type Design

£30.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.35 kg

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

Type Specimen Facsimiles: Reproductions of fifteen specimen sheets issued between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Accompanied by notes, mainly derived from the researches of A.F. Johnson, Harry Carter, Matthew Carter, Netty Hoeflake, Mike Parker. With an introductory essay by Stanley Morison.

£95.00 / unit(s) *

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can be shipped within 3-5 days

The Wreck of the Serica: A Narrative of 1868. By Thomas Cubbin, Master. With Wood Engravings by John Worsley. [Foreword by H.M. Tomlinson.]

£60.00 / unit(s) *

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£30.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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can be shipped within 3-4 days

Joseph R. Dunlap. The Book That Never Was.

£50.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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can be shipped within 3-4 days

Catalogue 25: Two Centuries of Bruce Rogers, with a Prologue, "B R's Secret Passion," by Christopher Morley.

£25.00 / unit(s) *

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Letter Proef.

£40.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

The Books of WAD: A bibliography of the books designed by W.A.Dwiggins. With a foreword by Alexander Lawson.

£40.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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can be shipped within 3-4 days

Vitra Eames. By Charles Eames. [Foreword by Rolf Fehlbaum.]

£30.00 *

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

Ebernezer Baylis & Son. Book of Type Faces.

£30.00 *

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

Das Deutsche Buch im Zeitalter Barock, Gabriele Eckehard.

£50.00 *

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can be shipped within 3-5 days

Typefoundries in the Netherlands.

£225.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 4 kg

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can be shipped within 3-5 days

De Lettergietterij van Joh. Enschede En Zonen Gedenkschrift Ter Gelegenheld Van Haar Honderdvijftig-Jarig Bestaan OP Maart 1893.

£120.00 / unit(s) *

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Specimen des Caracteres de la Fonderie normale a Bruxelles, provenant de la fonderie de Jules Didot et de son pere Pierre Didot.

£60.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 500 g

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Die Hochdeutschen Schriften.

£90.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

Jesu Christi Nativitas Secundam Lucam Graece et Latine.

£30.00 / unit(s) *

Not in stock

Koperen lijnen.

£60.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 400 g

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can be shipped within 3-4 days

Nog altijd blijft onze romaansch

£75.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 400 g

In stock
can be shipped within 2-4 days

Romulus: Romein, Curseif, Halvet Romein, Open Kapitalen & Cancellaresca Bastarda.

£35.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Proef van Nederduitsche Letters en Gothische Initialen uit de XVde Eeuw | Specimen of Dutch Black-Letters and Gothic Initials of the XVth Century.




£85.00 *

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Spectrum. Designed by Jan van Krimpen.

£30.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 250 g

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

[Enschede type specimen brochure]

£50.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 400 g

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Catalogue de l'exposition de Joh. Enschede en Zonen.

£35.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 300 g

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

De Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschede en Zonen.

£150.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg

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can be shipped within 2.4 days

Discours prononce a l'Inauguration de l'Exposition Joh Enschede en Zonen.

£95.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 250 g

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can be shipped within 2-3 days

Onze Houtsneeletter.

£65.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 400 g

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Letter-Form, by L. Epstein.

£40.00 / unit(s) *

In stock
can be shipped within 4-6 days

Style in Ornament, by Joan Evans.

£20.00 *

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can be shipped within 2-4 days

Caracteres de Texte Modernes et Classiques, Ornements, filets en Cuivre, Initiales et Vignettes.

£200.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

Choix de Caracteres Modernes  | Beknopte Proef van Drukletters

£100.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

In stock
can be shipped within 2-3 days

* Prices include VAT
151 - 180 of 564 results