Book Collecting

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31 - 60 of 88 results

Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature ... edited (vols 1-7) by James Kennedy, W.A. Smith and A.F. Johnson; (vols 8-9) by Dennis E. Rhodes and Anna E.C. Simoni.

£100.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 15 kg

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can be shipped within 5-7 days

The Harper Centennial, 1817-1917. A Few of the Greetings and Congratulations.

£45.00 / unit(s) *

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Bibliotheca Typographica: In usum eorum qui Libros amant: A List of Books About Books. With an Introduction by George Parker Winship.

£325.00 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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The Book-Collector: A General Survey of the Pursuit and of those who have engaged in it at Home and Abroad from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By W. Carew Hazlitt.

£25.00 *

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The Confessions of a Collector. By W. Carew Hazlitt.

£45.00 *

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The Book Makers of Old Birmingham. Authors, Printers and Book Sellers. By Joseph Hill.

£60.00 *

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The History of the Catnach Press, at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London. By Charles Hindley.

£75.00 / unit(s) *

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£120.00 / unit(s) *

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The Homilist Theological Book Circular. R.D. Dickinson's Monthly List of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, Second Hand or at Greatly Reduced Prices, (Recently Purchased,) 92, Farringdon Street, E.C. [Bound with:] A Catalogue of a large Collection of Sermons by the most celebrated English & American Preachers.

£200.00 *

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The Bookseller's Nightmare: a collection of literary questions, obligingly furnished with their right answers, by Kenneth Hopkins, and submitted to Bertram Rota with very good wishes for his happiness in 1945.


£175.00 *

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A Hand-book to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales: Being a descriptive account of twenty thousand most curious and rare books, old tracts, ancient manuscripts, engravings, and privately printed family papers, relating to the history of almost every landed estate and old English family in the country, interspersed with nearly two thousand original anecdotes, topograical [sic] and antiquarian notes. The labour performed by John Camden Hotten. The books, &c., now on sale, each article having a small price affixed.

£70.00 / unit(s) *

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The Anatomy of Bibliomania, by Holbrook Jackson.

£225.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 2.5 kg

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William Pickering, Publisher. A Memoir & a Hand-list of his Editions, by Geoffrey Keynes.

£50.00 *

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Lexikon des Buchwesens. [Edited by] Joachim Kirchner.

£275.00 *

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Materialien zu einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bucher-Preise und des Autoren-Honorars von 15. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.

£30.00 *

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Amigos de Calle del Cristo 255.

£20.00 / Byte *
Delivery weight: 250 g

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Bibliographie des Principales Editions Originales d'Ecrivains Francais du Xve au XVIIIe Siecle. Ouvrage contenant environ 300 fac-similes de tires des livres decrits. Par Jules le Petit.

£60.00 *

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The First Press in the City of London, by Harold Marshall.

£40.00 / unit(s) *

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An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students.


£20.00 *

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Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. Being Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes and Illuminators, from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods, to the Introduction of Printing into England; with Anecdotes illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries og Great Britain in the Olden Time. [Includes bibliographical references and index.] By F. Somner Merryweather.

£30.00 *

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Die Bucherliebhaberei (Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie) am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, Otto Muhlbrecht.

£50.00 *

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Minding My Own Business: An Autobiography, by Percy Muir.

£50.00 / unit(s) *

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Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Bibliographer & Bibliomaniac Extraordinary, 1776-1847. By E.J. O'Dwyer.

£15.00 / unit(s) *

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Children's fantasy: past and present. By Jenni Orme.

£30.00 / Byte *
Delivery weight: 400 g

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Three Profiles : John Calder [by Stuart Middleton, Christopher Davidson]; Norah Smallwood, [by Josephine Leahy, Angela Holland]; Anthony Blond, [by John Rhodes, Katherine Kelly].

£50.00 / unit(s) *

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Première [&] Deuxième Lettre aux Bibliophiles - Post-scriptum au livre - du texte et du caractère typographique. Par Edouard Pelletan.

£30.00 / unit(s) *

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Excursions in Libraria: Being Retrospective Reviews and Bibliographical Notes. By G.H. Powell. [Includes bibliographical references and index.]

£25.00 *

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A Handy Book about Books, by John Power.

£60.00 / unit(s) *

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Dickinson's Catalogue of Sermons on Sale at 89, Farringdon Street, (Opposite the Memorial Hall), London, E.C.

£65.00 *

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The Business of Books: Booksellers and the English Book Trade, 1450-1850. By James Raven.

£35.00 *

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* Prices include VAT
31 - 60 of 88 results