Victorian Publishers' Book-Bindings in Cloth and Leather, by Ruari McLean. |
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Victorian Publishers' Book-bindings in Paper. ny Ruari McLean.
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Marbling techniques: how to create traditional and contemporary designs on paper and fabric, by Wendy Addison Madeiros. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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The Binder's Art: catalogue of an exhibition of highlights from the Bernard C. Middleton collection of Books on Bookbinding. [Introduction by David Pankow.] |
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Delivery weight: 0.25 kg
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The Restoration of Leather Bindings, by Bernard C. Middleton. Drawings by Aldren A. Watson and Seymour Fleishman. |
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Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
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Twenty-five gold-tooled bookbindings: an international tribute to Bernard C. Middleton's Recollections. Edited by Marianne Tidcombe. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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The Art of Marbled Paper: Marbled Papers and How to Make Them, by Einen Miura. |
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Delivery weight: 0.6 kg
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Conservation Administration: The 1973 Seminar on the Theoretical Aspects of the Conservation of Library and Archival Materials and the Establishment of Conservation Programs, October 1-5, 1973. Edited by Robert Morrison & George Cunha. |
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Paper and Paper Making. By F.H. Norris. |
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English Blind-Stamped Bindings. The Sandars Lectures 1949.
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Parry’s Graining and Marbling. Revised by Brian Rhodes and John Windsor. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Specimens of Fine Printing Inks manufactured by Parsons, Fletcher & Co., Ltd, Southwark, London. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Extracts from the Diary of Roger Payne (London, 1819).
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The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art: treatment, repair, and restoration, by H.J. Plenderleith & A.E.A. Werner. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. By S.T. Prideaux. With a Chapter on Early Stamped Bindings by E. Gordon Duff. |
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Modern Bookbindings: Their Design and Decoration. By S.T. Prideaux. |
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Renker (Armin). Papiermacher und Drucker: Ein Gesprach uber alte und neue Dinge.
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Die Kulturgeschichte des Papiers. Mit 46 Bildern in Lichtdruct, Proben von Papyrus, Pergament, Papiermustern, Wasserzeichen und zwei Landkarten. |
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The Unifying Element: The Creative Use of Paper. George T. Knipe, Michael D. Chater, Frank Grunfeld, Raymond W. Roberts, Frank Herrmann, David Gentleman. Edited by Bernard Roberts. |
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Paper: an elegy, by Ian Sansom. |
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Schmoller collection - Paper Chase: an exhibition of decorated papers from the Schmoller collection.Paper Chase: an exhibition of decorated papers from the Schmoller collection; held in Edinburgh University Library. [Introduction by Sally Wood.] |
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Delivery weight: 0.7 kg
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The Art and Craft of Paper, by Faith Shannon. Photography by Peter Marshall. |
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Five blank sheets of hand-made paper with the 'sheep' watermark |
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New Directions in Bookbinding, by Philip Smith. Introduction by Edgar Mansfield |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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The Pen and the Rose. [A specimen book of Spicer's text papers]. Essays by P.G. Burbridge and Geoffrey Grigson. |
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The Art & Craft of Handmade Paper. By Vance Studley.
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a common language ... Through the common language of food, this brochure conveys the exceptional quality of Svecia Antiqua uncuated papers and boards ... |
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Türkisch Papier | Ebru | Turkish Marbled Paper. Katalog mit 38 farbigen Reproduktionen marmorierter Bilder, 9 Schwarzweiss-Fotos zur Herstellungstechnik und einer Original "Türkisch Papier". |
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Delivery weight: 0.35 kg
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Tregaskis Centenary Exhibition: a catalogue of the Tregaskis centenary exhibition 1994, together with a facsimile of the Tregaskis exhibition catalogue of 1894 and colour plates of the bindings in both exhibitions. With introductions by Marianne Tidcombe; and an essay by Bernard C. Middleton. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Handmade Paper Today. A worldwide survey of mills, papers, techniques and uses. By Silvie Turner & Birgit Skiold |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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61 - 90 of 103 results |