The Letter as a Work of Art: Observations and confrontations with contemporaneous expressions of art from Roman times to the present day. By Dr Otto Knuttel. |
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Das Schreibbuchlein. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Heabrew Alphabets: 400 B.C. to Our Days, by Reuben Leaf. |
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Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
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Juan de Yciar. Arte Subtilissima. |
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Letters for the Millennium: Why we cut letters in stone. By Emma Lloyd-Jones & Lida Cardozo Kindersley |
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Lessons in the Art of Illuminating: A series of examples selected from works in the British Museum, Lambeth Palace library, and the South Kensington Museum. With practical instructions, and a sketch of the history of the art.By W.J. Loftie. |
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Delivery weight: 500 g
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Lessons in the Art of Illuminating. |
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Madan (Falconer ) - Books in Manuscript. A Short Introduction to their Study and Use. With a ChapterBooks in Manuscript. A Short Introduction to their Study and Use. With a Chapter on Records. By Falconer Madan. |
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Miniatures and Borders from a Flemish Horae: British Museum ADD. MS. 24098 Early Sixteenth Century. Reproduced in Honour of Sir George Warner. |
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Miniatures for a French Horae. British Musem Add Ms. 16997 Fifteenth Century. Reproduced in Honour of John Alexander Herbert. |
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Modern Scribes and Lettering Artists. [With:] Contemporary Calligraphy 'Modern Scribes and LetteringModern Scribes and Lettering Artists. [With:] Contemporary Calligraphy 'Modern Scribes and Lettering Artists II'). [Introductions by Michael Gullick and Peter Halliday.] |
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Delivery weight: 2 kg
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Monotype - Eric Gill: A Keepsake for the guests at the Opening on October 14th 1958 of an ExhibitionA Keepsake for the guests at the Opening on October 14th 1958 of an Exhibition of the Work of Eric Gill, Master of Lettering. |
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Scribes and Sources. Handbook of the Chancery Hand in the Sixteenth Century. Texts from the Writing-Masters selected, introduced and translated by A.S. Osley. With an account of John de Beauchesne by Berthold Wolpe. |
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Addendum and Corrigenda to The Inscriptional Work of Eric Gill. Compiled, with an introduction, by David Peace. |
Delivery weight: 500 g
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English Mediaeval Handwriting, compiled by Ann Rycroft. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Lines of the Alphabet in the Sixteenth Century, by John Ryder. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Recueil Complet de Chiffres a deux et trois lettres. Compose et dessine par Sanier Pere et Grave par Son Fils. |
Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Love and Joy about Letters. By Ben Shahn. |
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Architectural Alphabet 1773. Thirty-three plates reproduced in facsimile. The text translated by E.M. Hatt. With an Introduction and some account of Steingruber's life and work by Berthold Wolpe, R.D.I.
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Latin bookhands of the later Middle Ages, 1100-1500, by Samuel Harrison Thomson. |
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An Illustrated History of Writing and Lettering. By Jan Tschichold. |
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Jan Tschichold. Schatzkammer der Schreibkunst: Meisterwerke der Kalligraphie aus vier Jahrhunderted auf Zweihundert Tafeln. |
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Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
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Millennium Scriptorii Veronensis dal IV al XV Secolo. [Introduction in Italian & English.]
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The art of illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times ... |
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W.R. Tymms. The Art of Illuminating as practiced in Europe from the earliest times. Illustrated by borders, initial letters and alphabets. With an essay and instructions by M.D. Wyatt. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Luminario, or the Third Chapter of the Liber Elementorum Litterarum on the construction of Roman Capitals. |
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Delivery weight: 0.7 kg
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Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. [By] W.Wattenbach |
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A Newe Booke of Copies, 1574. A facsimile of a unique writing book in the Bodleian Library. Edited by Berthold Wolpe. |
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ABC-XYZapf: Fifty years in alphabet design. Professional and personal contributions selected for Hermann Zapf. Edited by John Dreyfus and Knut Erichson. |
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Pen and Graver: alphabets & pages of calligraphy, by Hermann Zapf. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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31 - 60 of 64 results |