Poetical Descriptions of Orkney. 1652. [Edited by James Maitland.] |
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Verses and Versions. By George Engleheart. With a word on Translation. |
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Diccionario Manual de la Fábula en Forma de Historia. Traducio del frances y aumentado por I.S. [Indalecio Sancha]. Adornado de 16 estampas. |
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The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. From the French of Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, by John Hawkesworth. |
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Essay on Marriage. By Anne Finch. |
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La Princesse aux Soleils: &, Harmonie, by Ronald Firbank; with English versions by Edgell Rickword and an introductory note by Miriam J. Benkovitz; illustrated by Philippe Jullian. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Sorrow in Sunlight, by Romald Firbank. |
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Bouvard and Pecuchet. By Gustave Flaubert. |
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An essay on the different nature of accent and quantity with their use and application in the English, Latin, and Greek languages : containing remarks on the metre of the English ; on the origin and æolism of the Roman ; on the general history of the Greek, with an account of its antient tones, and a defence of their present accentual marks : to which is subjoined the Greek elegaic poem of M. Musurus addressed to Leo X, with a Latin version and notes. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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A Charade to a Lady. |
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Delivery weight: 0.25 kg
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Newton Dogvane: A Story of English Country Life. With Illustrations by John Leech. |
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Anemones, A Collection of Simple Songs from: Unleavened Bread, Primulas and Pansies, Marsh Marigolds, with Fresh Flowers from the Author's Garden. [By Norman Gale.] |
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The Everlasting Minute and other lyrics, by Louis Ginsberg. |
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Good-Bye to Ithaca, by Louis Golding. |
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The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale. Supposed to be written by himself. |
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Winged Pharaoh. By Joan Grant. |
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The Little Horse Bus. By Graham Greene. Illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. |
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Metrical Cookery: A performance text for two mouths or more, by Bill Griffiths. |
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Delivery weight: 0.25 kg
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Dairy not Kept: Essays in recollection, by Bryan Guiness. |
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Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy. |
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Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
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Philological inquiries in three parts. by James Harris Esq. Part I. and II. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Harvey (F.W.) - A Gloucestershire Lad at Home and Abroad. [ Preface by Colonel J.H. Collett, C.M.G.]A Gloucestershire Lad at Home and Abroad. By F.W. Harvey. [ Preface by Colonel J.H. Collett, C.M.G.] |
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Delivery weight: 0.2 kg
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Claude Adrien Helvetius. De l'Esprit. |
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Hesperus: Ein Jahrbuch, von Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rudolf Alexander Schröder und Rudolf Borchardt. |
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A Letter to Mrs Taylor in which hich his opinion humbly sheweth. By Kenneth Hopkins. |
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An Epistle to a Lady. By Kenneth Hopkins.
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Little Poems on Thin Paper. By Kenneth Hopkins.
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New Sonnets, by Kenneth Hopkins.
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Six Sonnets, by Kenneth Hopkins.
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31 - 60 of 145 results |