Book Collecting

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Bibliografia Geral Portuguesa. Volume I [and II]. Seculo XV.

£165.00 *

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The Book-Hunter at Home. By P.B.M. Allan.

£40.00 *

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Anecdota Oxoniensa: Texts, Documents, and Extracts chiefly from Manuscripts in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries. Mediaeval and Modern Series. Vol. I - Parts [I & II]. Sinoma Bartholomei [&] Aplphita. Edited by J.L.G. Mowat.

£85.00 *

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Collecting the Imagination: The First Fifty Years of the Ransom Center. Edited by Barnard Megan. Introduction by Thomas F. Staley, Director.

£40.00 *

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Some Notes on the Engaging By-paths & Enduring Pleasures of Fine Bookmaking. By Paul Bennett. This Keepsake commemorates the Dedication of the Morgan A. And Aline D. Gunst Memorial Library.

£25.00 / unit(s) *

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Antiquarian books : a companion for booksellers, librarians and collectors. By Philippa Bernard,  Leo Bernard & Angus O'Neill.

£20.00 / unit(s) *

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Bibliotheca Hymnologica: A Priced Catalogue (Compiled by Mr W.T. Brooke) of a very rich and varied collection of hymnals, versions of the psalms, volumes and pamphlets upon hymnology, Church psalmody and music etc, etc, The whole no on sale for cash.

£90.00 *

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An Introduction to a Conclusion.. [Contents: the Conclusion to The enemies of books, by William Blades, with an introduction by Thomas N. Fairbanks.]

£15.00 / unit(s) *

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Pietas Oxoniensis. In Memory of Sir Thomas Bodley, Knt., and the Foundation of the Bodleian Library.




£60.00 *

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Tercentenary of the Bodleian Library, October 1902. Record of Proceedings.




£100.00 *

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The Book-Hunter. By J.H. Burton. Edited by J. Herbert Slater.

£20.00 *

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Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. A study of recent developments in Great Britain and the United States. By John Carter.

£35.00 *

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Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. A study of recent developments in Great Britain and the United States. By John Carter.

£40.00 / Byte *
Delivery weight: 300 g

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The Firm of Charles Ottley, Landon & Co. Footnote to An Enquiry.

£12.50 *

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A Modest Collection, edited by David Chambers.

£20.00 / unit(s) *

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Ernest Chesneau, Richard Bentley & Son.

£45.00 / unit(s) *

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The Two Forgers: A Biography of Harry Buxton Forman & Thomas James Wise. By John Collins.

£28.00 / unit(s) *

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Daniel Sedgwick's [First to Sixth] Catalogue of Scarce Religious Poetry, containing a choice collection of original psalms, hymns and poems, by members of every denomination of Christians. [Bound with:]  A Comprehensive Index of names of original authors of hymns, versifiers of psalms, and translators from several languages, With the date of their various works. By Daniel Sedgwick. Second edition, enlarged, 1863.]

£95.00 *

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A Mortal Craft : An Address to the Wynkyn de Worde Society given at Stationers' Hall, London, on 27 March 1980. By G.R. Davies.

£15.00 *

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The Library of John Ruskin, by James Dearden.

£80.00 / unit(s) *

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Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible. By J.R. Dore.

£40.00 *

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The Great Book-Collectors. By Charles Isaac Elton & Mary Augusta Elton.

£80.00 *

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The Autobiography of a Book. By Gilbert Fabes.

£65.00 *

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Rare Book Stores in San Francisco Fifty Years Ago. A Talk to The Colophon Club, San Francisco May 3, 1984, by James D. Hart.

£35.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 0.35 kg

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Some Aspects of Bibliography. By John Ferguson.

£40.00 *

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Book Clubs & Printing Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. By Harold Williams.

£40.00 / unit(s) *

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Le Livre Belge a Gravures. Guide de l'amateur de livres illustres imprimes en Belgique avant le XIIIe siecle. Par Dr M. Funck. [With plates and bibliography.]

£50.00 *

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Some Books from the Library of George W. Jones formerly at Monkbarns, Northwood. [With a preface by GWJ.]


£350.00 *

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Twenty-Five Years of Book Cellaring, by Stephen Greene.

£25.00 / unit(s) *

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A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration. Vol III. Collections, Appendix, Reference Lists. By W.W. Greg.

£85.00 *

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* Prices include VAT
1 - 30 of 88 results