A Short History of the Postlip Mill, Winchcombe, be Eleanor Adlard.
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James Whatman, Father & Son. By Thomas Balston. |
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William Balston Paper Maker, 1759-1849. By Thomas Balston. |
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William Balston Paper Maker, 1759-1849. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Hikmet Barutcigil. Ebru: Colors dancing on water | Ebru: Suyun renklerle dansi. Introdution by Annemarie Schimmel. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Renkleri̇n sonsuzluǧu: geleneksel Türk ebru sanatı | Infinity of colours: the traditional Turkish art of marbling. Prepared by Ali Pasi̇ner. |
Old price £70.00
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Hikmet Barutcigil. The Dream of Water: Ebru, the living tradition. |
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Delivery weight: 1.25 kg
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Omnibus: Instructions for amateur papermakers with notes and observations on private presses, book printing and some people involved in these activities. |
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A Pair on Paper: Two Essays on Paper History and related matters. |
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The History of F.J. Head & Co., by Frederick A. Brett. |
/ Byte
Delivery weight: 250 g
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Handbook of Pulp and Paper Technology. Edited by Kenneth Britt. |
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The Zaehnsdorfs (1842-1947): Craft Bookbinders, by Frank Broomhead |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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El arte de encuadernar y su evolución : conferencia pronunciada... con motivo de la Fiesta del Libro de 1965. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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A survey of hand-made and fine mould-made papers, compiled by G.A. Beale. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Traite de la Relieure des Livres. |
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Wolvercote Mill: A Study in Paper-making at Oxford, by Harry Carter. |
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Binding Variants, with More Binding Variants in English Publishing, 1820-1900.
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The Practical Guide to Marbling Paper, by Anne Chambers. Introduction by Bernard C. Middleton. |
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Delivery weight: 0.75 kg
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Modern Paper-Making. By Robert Henderson Clapperton & William Henderson.
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Histoire du papier peint en France, preface par Jean Bourguignon. |
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Cockerell (Douglas) - Bookbinding, and the Care of Books: A Text-book for Bookbinders and LibrariansBookbinding, and the Care of Books: A Text-book for Bookbinders and Librarians, with drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. By Douglas Cockerell. |
Not in stock |
Bookbinders' Finishing Tool Makers, 1780-1965, by Tom Conroy. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Snowpaque Perfect Printing Paper. |
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Delivery weight: 300 g
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Bookbinding for Amateurs: being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use. Illustrated with 156 engravings. |
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Library and Archives Conservation: The Boston Athenaeum's 1971 Seminar on the Application of Chemical and Physical Methods to the Conservation of Library and Archival Materials, May 17-21, 1971. Edited by George Martin Cunha & Norman Paul Tucker. |
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Les Deux Ciels : Pasteur et Pascal. |
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Delivery weight: 100 g
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Royal English Bookbindings. By Cyril Davenport. |
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The Book: Its History and Development. [Contains bibliographies.] By Cyril Davenport. |
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The Portfolio. Royal English Bookbindings, by Cyril Davenport.
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A Short Instruction in the Binding of Books. |
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Not in stock |
1 - 30 of 103 results |