Image - Harling (Robert), editor.

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Image. A quarterly of the visual arts. Edited by Robert Harling. 8 issues, complete set, 8vo, London: Art & Technics, Summer 1949 to Summer 1952.

Variously and very fully illustrated with inserts etc. Printed paper semi-stiff wrappers. A very good set.

More concerned with the visual arts than its predecssors Alphabet and Image and Typography, Image contains outstanding contributions on the work of John O'Connor, John Minton, Ben Jahn, John Piper, Ethelbert White, Anthony Gross, Edward Ardizzone, Blair Hughes-Stanton and others. Image 5 is an excellent survey of twentieth-century English wood engraving by Thomas Balston, containing almost 100 engravings, some in colour, mostly from the original blocks.

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