Stanbrook Abbey Press - Sassoon (Siegfried). The Path to Peace.

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The Path to Peace: selected poems, by Siegfried Sassoon. Crown 4to, pp.[x], 31[1] + colophon, loose insert, Stanbrook Abbey Press, Worcester, 1960.

Number 77 of 480 (500) copies handset in 20-point Van Krimpen Cancellaresca Bastarda and printed in black and turquoise on W.S. Hodgkinson's hand-made paper with one initial drawn in gold by Margaret Adams, title-page burnished in gold, and the remaining 27 initials hand-drawn in red (plus one in green on the loosely inserted poem). Gilding by Margaret Adams; initials by Margaret Adams, Wendy Westover and dame Marcella van Bruyn. Bound by George Percival and Rigby Graham in quarter vellumm, lettered in gilt up the spine, with blue Parisian paper sides, dusted gold. A fine copy.

Twenty-eight poems selected and arranged by Dame Felitas Corrigan. (Butcher A5b)

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