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121 - 150 of 398 results

Rummy, That Noble game Expounded in Prose, Poetry, Diagram and Engraving by A.E. Coppard and Robert Gibbings, with an Account of Certain Diversions into the Mountain Fastnesses of Cork and Kerry.

£60.00 / unit(s) *

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Rummy, That Noble game Expounded in Prose, Poetry, Diagram and Engraving by A.E. Coppard and Robert Gibbings, with an Account of Certain Diversions into the Mountain Fastnesses of Cork and Kerry.

£325.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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Count Stefan, by A.E. Coppard.

£120.00 / unit(s) *

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Euphormio's Satyricon, by John Barclay.

£200.00 / unit(s) *

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Hero and Leander. Translated from the Greek of Musaeus by F.L. Lucas.

£300.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 750 g

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One Hundred and Eleven Poems, by Robert Herrick.

£200.00 / unit(s) *

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Initiation. Translations from Poems of the Didinga & Lango Tribes, by J.H. Driberg.

£130.00 / unit(s) *

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A Circle of the Seasons.

£120.00 / unit(s) *

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The Pilgrim Fathers. A Journal of their coming in the Mayflower to New England and their life and adventures there.

£175.00 / unit(s) *

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Lucretia Borgia, by A.C. Swinburne.

£230.00 / unit(s) *

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Pasiphae, by A.C. Swinburne.

£200.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 750 g

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Together and Alone. Two Short Stories, by Christopher Whitfield.

£180.00 / unit(s) *

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The Lamentations of Jeremiah.

£1,950.00 / unit(s) *

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The Revelation of Saint John the Divine.

£2,350.00 / unit(s) *

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The Autobiography of Lord Herbert of Cherbury. With an Introduction by C.H. Herford.

£280.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg

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The Plays of Euripides.

£480.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 6 kg

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New York Revisited. Engravings by Gaylord Schanilec. Text by Kenneth Auchinloss.

£450.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 0.75 kg

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Dairy not Kept: Essays in recollection, by Bryan Guiness.

£30.00 / unit(s) *

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Gwasg Gregynog: a descriptive catalogue of printing at Gregynog, 1970-1990.

£45.00 / unit(s) *

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Cottage Economy, by William Cobbett. With an introduction by G.K. Chesterton.

£425.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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The Devil's devices or, Control versus Service. By Douglas Pepler. With woodcuts by Eric Gill.

£280.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 0.75 kg

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Carmen and Letters from Spain, by Prosper Merimee.  Newly Translated. With Ten Monochrome Water-colours By Maurice Barraud.

£135.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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Diseases of Printers, by Bernardino Ramazzini.

£20.00 / unit(s) *

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Claude Adrien Helvetius. De l'Esprit.

£495.00 / unit(s) *

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Marbling at the Heyeck Press.

£850.00 / unit(s) *

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A Letter to Mrs Taylor in which hich his opinion humbly sheweth. By Kenneth Hopkins.

£135.00 *

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Penholm. Drawings by G. Howell-Baker.

£300.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

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Tomorrow is a New Day: A Fantasy, by T.O'B. Hubbard.

£140.00 / unit(s) *

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Max Huber.

£75.00 / unit(s) *

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can be shipped within 3-5 days

Tom Brown's School Days. By an Old Boy

£600.00 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

* Prices include VAT
121 - 150 of 398 results