Untitled (Volume One)., by Danny Fllynn.
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The Flower of Peace. A Collection of the Devotional Poetry of Katharine Tynan. |
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Geboorte. |
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A survey of hand-made and fine mould-made papers, compiled by G.A. Beale. |
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Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
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Bruce Rogers, Selected Letters, 1915-1918. |
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Ginsberg's Farm. |
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The Jumblies, by Edward Lear. |
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Delivery weight: 0.35 kg
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Monk at the Five Spot. [With a six-colour stencil centrepiece collage by Guy Berard after a photograph of the Thelonious Monk Quartet playing in 1958 at The Five Spot Cafe.] |
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Numerology: Calyban's Wood Type Whimsy, Volume I. |
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Eating Your Cake, by Eric Gill.
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Twin Peas in a Pod. By Earnest Elmo Calkins. |
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Eight Poems by Edward Thomas, with etchings by Arthur Neal. |
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Two Men: Walter Lewis and Stanley Morison at Cambridge. By Brooke Crutchley. |
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Grinling Gibbons in Cambridge, by Margaret Whinney. |
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Delivery weight: 0.75 kg
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Talbot Baines Reed: Author, Bibliographer, Typefounder. By Stanley Morison. [Preface by Brooke Crutchley.] |
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Report on the Typography of the Cambridge University Press, prepared in 1917 at the request of the Syndics by Bruce Rogers and now printed in honour of his eightieth birthday. |
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Sparrow (John). Line upon Line. An epigraphical anthology. [Preface by Brooke Crutchley.]
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Susannah Whatman: Her Housekeeping Book. Introduced by Thomas Balston. Decorated by Lawrence Josset. [Foreword by Brooke Crutchley.]
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The Printer and the Poet. An account of the printing of "The Tapestry", based upon correspondence between Stanley Morison and Robert Bridges. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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The town of Cambridge as it ought to be reformed. |
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Delivery weight: 0.75 kg
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Voltaire's Essay on Milton. Edited by Desmond Flower. |
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Aristology or, The Art of Dining. By Thomas Walker. Drawings by Lynton Lamb. [Preface by Brooke Crutchley.] |
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Aristology or, The Art of Dining. Drawings by Lynton Lamb. [Preface by Brooke Crutchley.] |
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A Printer's Christmas Books. By Brooke Crutchley. With a Foreword by Euan Phillips. |
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Words in Their Hands: A Series of Photographs by Walter Nurnberg, with a Commentary by Beatrice Warde. |
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Verzen. [By] Jan R. Th. Campert. |
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Francis Carco. Colette "Mon Ami". Lithographies Originales de Ch.-M. Echard. |
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Delivery weight: 1 kg
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [&] Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, by Lewis Carroll. |
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Poetry of Nature, comprising, a Selection of the most sublime and beautiful Apostrophes, Histories, Songs, Elegies, &c. from the Works of the Caledonian Bards. The typographical execution in a style entirely new, and decorated with the superb ornaments, of the celebrated Caslon. (Price ten shillings and sixpence.) [Selections from Macpherson's Ossian, edited by A.M. Potter.] |
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Country Road and Other Poems, 1947-52, by Ruth Dallas. |
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181 - 210 of 1297 results |